Bollywood actress Mallika Sherawat recently had the worst experience of her life as she was ambushed by a bunch of masked men outside her Parisian apartment. Where the entire world was shocked seeing Mallika’s plight, the actress boldly faced the camera saying she’s much stronger than what she looks like.
Mallika Sherawat (picture courtesy: indiatimes)
Scroll down to read her official statement
“It takes more than three masked men to take me down. I am a strong woman” said Mallika to the CNN anchor who requested her to send a message to all her fans. The attack took place on November 11th when Mallika was stepping out of her home when a bunch of masked men tear gassed the couple and hit them. She was there visiting her boyfriend Cyrille Auxenfans before she heads back to Mumbai for the shoot of her next movie. During the interview, this was her official statement
It was extremely traumatic. No one should be made to suffer the insecurity of having their home broken into or the physical and mental abuse of such an attack. I think for women it’s important to get the message out that we are not going to let this scare us or change our lives. The police have been wonderful and Paris is a wonderful city. I’m not going to let this bad experience spoil Paris for me.
Mallika Sherawat (picture courtesy: indiatimes)
Scroll down to read her official statement
“It takes more than three masked men to take me down. I am a strong woman” said Mallika to the CNN anchor who requested her to send a message to all her fans. The attack took place on November 11th when Mallika was stepping out of her home when a bunch of masked men tear gassed the couple and hit them. She was there visiting her boyfriend Cyrille Auxenfans before she heads back to Mumbai for the shoot of her next movie. During the interview, this was her official statement
It was extremely traumatic. No one should be made to suffer the insecurity of having their home broken into or the physical and mental abuse of such an attack. I think for women it’s important to get the message out that we are not going to let this scare us or change our lives. The police have been wonderful and Paris is a wonderful city. I’m not going to let this bad experience spoil Paris for me.
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